Golden Blaze: Helping A Legendary California Cannabis Cultivator Light a Fire Under His Brand
In 2018, GrahamSpencer was pleased to be chosen by Golden Blaze Cannabis Consulting of the Bay Area of California to design and produce a critical fundraising deck. Not long after finishing that project, we were asked to build a brand identity, packaging, website, brand story and brochure for its start-up cultivating and distribution division: Golden Blaze Cannabis Co. Previously operating in the relatively compact medical marijuana space, Golden Blaze was ready to enter the more robust recreational field after Californians approved Proposition 64 in 2016, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act.
Chris Haitz, a native of Indiana, moved to Northern California many years ago. He became a noted medical cannabis cultivation expert in legendary Humboldt County. As CEO and Chief Cultivator of Golden Blaze, he brings years of experience and a commitment to sustainably and organically growing the finest product possible in the hyper-competitive world of legalized recreational cannabis in California. His road hasn’t been an easy one, but Haitz and Golden Blaze earned a reputation for producing some of the finest flower in the Golden State – in one of its best but most challenging growing regions.
GrahamSpencer’s solution for the brand identity is a simple metaphor of a marijuana leaf-fueled campfire. The nuanced positioning we employed for the storytelling aspect of the brand centers on Haitz’s heartfelt commitment to growing his product the right way – doing no harm to the planet, caring for his healthy soil and delivering the best possible experience to customers he respects and appreciates. Another interesting aspect of our work for Golden Blaze was a clever shipping box that doubles as a retail display solution with a perforated cut-line. The box allows consumers to view the product jars more easily at dispensary locations.
“When you farm like we do, you develop an emotional connection with your plants. You nurture them and they nurture you. It’s a magical thing – a sort of alchemy,” Haitz said. “I’ve had crops I really didn’t want to sell. I was that happy with them. But, at the end of the day, I want our customers to taste and enjoy the love we have for the earth when they experience our products. It’s that simple. That’s why we do it the hard way; because it matters.”
Let us know if we can help create a strong brand foundation (not to mention some buzz) for your company – regardless of the industry you occupy. From finance to manufacturing to consumer products to craft brewing to cannabis, GrahamSpencer’s experience is as broad as it is deep. Click here to get acquainted today. We would love to help you overcome your challenges and leverage your opportunities.